Tom's "Tour de Dorset" - just one month 'til push off!

There's just one month to go before Tom Wombat Perrott sets off on his epic two day bike ride, rasing money for equipment for PAWS - South West region.

If you can get to south west UK on 26th/27th May - please go along to cheer Tom on. Start time at The Red Lion, Swanage is 9am for the two day race. Details of the route, including pubs and places of interest, can be found on the Dorset Gravel Dash FB page

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far towards helping him reach his goal. Tom's progress can be followed on our PAWS - events page and on the main Practical Aid for Wolfhounds page. Donations can be made here

Check out this great yellow jersey he's had made for the event. (with thanks to his fellow models for any additional paw prints!) 

Training is progressing well - and donations are coming in!

~ Just a quick update to thank everyone who has so far sponsored Tom's up-coming bike ride. He's already exceeded his original target of £250, so he's going to set a new target of £500! The amount already raised is enough to buy a full body lifting harness, a set of protective boots, a toe-up sling and a ramp! Woohooo!!!! The next target will be to raise enough to buy one of our specially designed stretchers.

WTG Tom - brilliant!!! 

Pedalling for PAWS!

One of our “Helping PAWS” - Tom 'Wombat' Perrott - is aiming to raise money to buy mobility equipment for the south west area, by taking part in a 100 mile off-road cycling event.

Tom's cycle ride 2018.jpg

The Dorset Gravel Dash” will take place over two days (26th & 27th May 2018) – starting and finishing at The Red Lion, Swanage, Dorset BH19 2LY

Tom with Seven & Neala.jpg
Tom says:- “Like many, I struggle with chronic pain in the lower back. I try to avoid medication and last year it was suggested I had a go at cycling. So having got somewhat hooked on the sport I thought I should look to challenge myself. So 100 miles over two days around Dorset off road will do nicely. For many it's a breeze, for me with my back ……... well, best I get training and find a comfy saddle!

We have rescued a Wolfhound (I'm typing this one handed as the other hand is required for fussings apparently) and a Wolfhound X and they are such a big part of our lives. We understand how these animals end up being entwined in your being. Knowing that PAWS are there to offer the breed a leg up in times of need is great and not being a massive organisation I want to have a go at doing my little bit to help! You never know when you might need them.”

To support Tom’s mammoth effort – please visit his fundraising page on Golden Giving where you can follow the progress of this fundraiser.

Training updates will be posted here and on our Facebook page

Bjorn is back home!!!

The PAWS Team are really excited to let all Bjorn's friends know that he is home!

He has had wonderful care at Abbey House Veterinary Hospital in Leeds.

As you can see from his photo, he's really happy to be back with his family and in familiar surroundings.

We would like to say thank you once again to "The Irish Wolfhound Community" and "Wolfhound Bling" Facebook pages, whose wonderful supporters have made Bjorn's operation possible.

Thank you to everyone who has supported him & his family through his illness, major op and recovery. I'm sure he will continue to go from strength to strength.

Clever boy Bjorn! - keep well and be happy  - you have won all of our hearts  xxx

Hi Folks!!! I'M BACK!!!!

Hi Folks!!! I'M BACK!!!!

Bjorn is doing well!

PAWS are thrilled and relieved to let all Bjorn’s supporters know that he underwent surgery this morning for the successful closure of a large, left-sided, intrahepatic shunt.

The surgeon is very pleased with how the operation went and so far, Bjorn is making a good recovery. It is still very early days and he is still sleepy, but initial signs are promising. He is now some 6hrs post op, has had a little bit to eat and is wagging his tail!

He is still on his drip and the next 48 hours will be critical – so please keep him in your thoughts and pray he continues recovering well enough to return home to his lovely family on Sunday/Monday.

Keep strong Bjorn the Bear! xxx

Auction and Fundraiser a HUGE success!

A MASSIVE & HEARTFELT THANK YOU from the PAWS Team to everyone who has contributed to make Bjorn's life-saving surgery happen.

The money from the Wolfhound Bling!! auction is pretty much all in now and together with the donations made as a result of the appeal launched on The Irish Wolfhound Community page, you wonderful people have raised over £7,300!!! 

It's a testament to the generosity and camaraderie of Irish Wolfhound lovers worldwide, that this huge amount has been gathered from scratch, in such a short space of time. It really is an incredible achievement. The PAWS Team and Bjorn's family are so very grateful to everyone who has contributed towards making Bjorn's operation a reality.

As most of you know, his surgery is scheduled for tomorrow and I'm certain that we - his "worldwide wolfhound family" - will be keeping fingers and paws crossed for a positive outcome. 

Good Luck sweet boy xxx


Update on PAWS fundraiser for Bjorn

We are delighted to announce that with the support from "The Irish Wolfhound Community" and "Wolfhound Bling!!", we are on track for covering Bjorn's operation in full and the date is set for Friday 26th January.

The amount donated so far has reached £2,800 and we expect it to have risen considerably by the time the "Wolfhound Bling!!" auction closes on Sunday (8am AUS - 5pm USA - 10pm UK time)

The generosity of our worldwide Wolfhound family is wonderful!

An update on the fund will be posted here, as soon as possible after the close of the auction.

Saving Bjorn the Bear

Bjorn the Bear - shunt puppy.jpg

Little Bjorn needs a life saving operation to repair his liver. His breeder, tried to do everything right when rearing her first litter of Irish Wolfhounds, including having them shunt tested, as recommended by the breed clubs.

It was a huge shock when the results came back and three out of the five puppies had failed the test! This was an especially cruel blow since tragically, seven puppies had been stillborn in this litter.

Sadly, Bjorn’s two affected brothers quickly became very poorly and had to be put to sleep to prevent further suffering. Bjorn’s results were a little better than his brothers and with the help of a special diet and lots of TLC, he was well enough to undergo a CT scan to assess his chances of having successful surgery.

The operation to repair an intrahepatic shunt (that is a shunt which runs inside the liver) requires a highly skilled surgeon and is therefore expensive. This is the same operation that saved the life of one of our "Inspirations" - Whisper

This life saving surgery needs to happen as soon as possible. The longer Bjorn’s liver struggles to cope, the more chance there is for toxins to build up in his system, which could jeopardise the operation’s success. His owner/breeder has been trying hard to get the money together to pay for the op, but she needs some help from lovers of Irish Wolfhounds.

The PAWS Team have been helping with practical advice on Bjorn’s care and in view of the heartbreak suffered by his breeder and the seriousness of his condition, have offered to support a fundraiser – specifically for Bjorn’s treatment.

If you would like to donate towards giving Bjorn the chance of a healthy life, please click HERE - then just click on the “Welfare Fund” button and write “For Bjorn” in the comments box on the donation form.

The PAWS Team is extremely grateful to have the support of "The Irish Wolfhound Community" and "Wolfhound Bling!!" Facebook pages, where donations and items for auction, have been streaming in during the last 48 hours or so. 

ALL the money raised in Bjorn’s name, will be paid directly to the veterinary hospital where he is being treated. Should there be any surplus raised, this will be held in our "Welfare Fund" to benefit any future hounds who need urgent assistance.

Updates on the amount raised will be posted here.

STOP PRESS!!!! Bjorn now has a date for his op - Friday 26th January. Huge thanks to all who have donated and are contributing to his auction. Donations received so far total over £2,500 and with the flourishing auction on Wolfhound Bling!! - we are right on target to fund the op. Thank you everyone!