Auction and Fundraiser a HUGE success!

A MASSIVE & HEARTFELT THANK YOU from the PAWS Team to everyone who has contributed to make Bjorn's life-saving surgery happen.

The money from the Wolfhound Bling!! auction is pretty much all in now and together with the donations made as a result of the appeal launched on The Irish Wolfhound Community page, you wonderful people have raised over £7,300!!! 

It's a testament to the generosity and camaraderie of Irish Wolfhound lovers worldwide, that this huge amount has been gathered from scratch, in such a short space of time. It really is an incredible achievement. The PAWS Team and Bjorn's family are so very grateful to everyone who has contributed towards making Bjorn's operation a reality.

As most of you know, his surgery is scheduled for tomorrow and I'm certain that we - his "worldwide wolfhound family" - will be keeping fingers and paws crossed for a positive outcome. 

Good Luck sweet boy xxx
