Our Helping PAWS

Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Kent, East Sussex, Surrey, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, Gloucestershire, South Wales

Our regional co-ordinators (Helping PAWS) each have their own group of volunteers offering help to Wolfhounds in their local area.

Please complete the "Contact Us" form and we will put you in touch with the Helping PAW for your area.
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Karen Scott - New Forest

I’ve owned lots of dogs over the years and mostly, to a dog, they’ve been rescues, dogs I’ve inherited from friends, or from people who simply just didn’t want them anymore.  In the way we all might show a preference for a blonde or dark haired ‘significant other’, give me a shaggy dog with a decent set of eyebrows and I’ll give you a love story right there ..... One fateful day in May 2005, enter the big dream come true… One rowdy wheaten rescue Irish Wolfhound, Fred, courtesy of the Irish Wolfhound Rescue Trust. Our first and never to be our last. We were hooked!

Over time, Fred became a PAT dog, working with children in a long term rehabilitation centre and in the elderly wards of Southampton General. He was a natural. We’ve since been fortunate enough to inherit the beautiful Blondie, who came to us last year at 6.5 years for her retirement. Long may it continue. I’m lending my name and assistance to this cause, because it will be a privilege to be able to help where help is needed and a great opportunity to work with some truly wonderful people. The dogs (of course) are the icing on the cake.

Maggie Holder

There have always been dogs in my life. I have quite a large kennel of Irish Wolfhounds and Greyhounds located in Leeds Kent. My first wolfhound came from Dagmar Kenis Pordham in 1976. My main hobby is showing my dogs and I also enjoy judging all of the hound breeds. I bred my first wolfhound litter in 1986 and my first greyhound litter in 2007. I am a Kennel Club Assured Breeder with the Accolade of Excellence.  I am a member of the IW Club and IW Society and also a member of the Greyhound Club Committee which I enjoy very much. I own a Canine Hydrotherapy Centre with my partner Dave, I am a NARCH Registered Canine Hydrotherapist and am working towards my Diploma in Small Animal Hydrotherapy which I hope to finish in June 2016. I am passionate about the rehabilitation of dogs, working closely with Vets and Physiotherapists, to give our clients the best possible treatment. I have attended many courses, the most rewarding being Functional Rehabilitation and Managing Pain, these are subjects that I would like to study in greater depth.

Ros Cramphorn (awaiting photo)

I have owned Wolfhounds since the early 1970's (help - that was a long time ago!) Much has changed since then – especially with regard to the amount of information available to assist new owners with rearing. When I bought my first wolfhound Snoopy, I wasn’t given any information about exercise, or general care – I wasn’t even given a diet sheet! Sadly, she had to be put to sleep after she broke her leg, which was due to bone cancer. I felt that my inexperience regarding the breed and a lack of information from the breeder, contributed to this outcome. I think with more support, I may have made a better job of rearing Snoopy.
Without the support and guidance of your breeder and /or a network of Wolfhound enthusiasts, it can be difficult to find out where to get sound advice if experiencing problems. Attending dog shows was often the only time one could meet other Wolfhound owners and even then it took a long time to be acknowledged. I was entering Windsor show one year when Ron Baird (Chairman of the IW Club) was on the way out to go carriage riding. On passing me he asked if I was OK and I was really chuffed that he actually knew my name - and that was after 15 years of showing!!!!
At present I am Treasurer to the Irish Wolfhound Society, Ashford & Faversham Canine Society, Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association and Maidstone Mats (a syndicate of Kent dog clubs for equipment held at Maidstone). I also run a ringcraft training club on a Monday evening. This keeps me out of mischief!!!!!
I am pleased to be part of PAWS and happy to offer advice and support to all Wolfhound owners, be they newcomers to the breed, or long-standing owners in need of a helping hand in times of difficulty.


Rebecca Peek

Having been in Irish Wolfhounds for over 35 years there have been many times when I have been grateful to have Wolfhound friends that I could reach out to in times of trouble, and be there for them in return. It could be a phone call, someone you can use as a sounding board - or even the practical hands on help when you’re on your own.

Although there has always been an informal network of like-minded people in the breed, ready and willing to help in an emergency, there has been nothing more formal for others that might not have access to such a network – PAWS fills that gap and I’m delighted to be able to pay forward the kindness that I’ve experienced over the years. Being an active member of the Irish Wolfhound Health Group as well, I’m very keen that we all work together to help educate the wider public and vets to realise that just because an Irish Wolfhound is a giant breed, when tragedy strikes it doesn’t automatically mean there’s no hope. The journey is easier together.


Nicky Warwick - Devon

I had wanted an Irish Wolfhound since I was a very little girl and I finally got my first one in 1985. She was an 18mth old private rehome and cost me £50 ....... It was the best £50 I've ever spent!
From then on I immersed myself in learning everything I could about our breed. I began showing in 1998 and bred my first litter in 2006. My aims for breeding are for health and longevity, without loss of type and temperament. I have experienced most IW problems over the years - and a few weird non IW ones too! So I'm well used to coping with anything I face.


Karen Cox - Bath - Bristol - S.Glos

Like many others, I was smitten by wolfhounds from an early age, about 12yrs of old in my case. My first encounter was whilst waiting at a vets surgery where I had accompanied my friend, who had taken Thumper (yep, he was her great big rabbit) to have his nails trimmed.

Whilst sitting in the waiting room, I felt something rest upon my shoulder, I turned around to gaze into the eyes of the most enchanting animal I had ever seen. That was it, the light bulb moment. I knew one day I had to have wolfhounds in my life.

It took a while, jobs & babies came first, but in 1989 we welcomed our first wolfhound to the family. After we lost her, it was another 6 years before the circumstances were suitable for another wolfhound - or two or three! Whilst we have had some from pups, three came to us as rescues. Each one has brought something special, but to see a "damaged" hound grow & enjoy life is truly the best reward there is.

Christina Lloyd - South Wales          

I saw my first Irish Wolfhound when I was about 10 years old. I fell in love, and from that day, I was always going to get a wolfhound when I had a suitable home.

I finally got my first Irish Wolfhound in 1985 – a lovely puppy bitch. I was then “persuaded” that it was better to have two wolfhounds rather than one, so, in 1986 I adopted my first wolfhound through the Irish Wolfhound Rescue Trust. I have now lived with thirteen wonderful wolfhounds. I really enjoy meeting friends with their wolfhounds. Hours can be spent just watching the wolfhounds being happy together! I do not show, but I do like going to the odd local show, especially if my wolfhounds can attend as “spectator dogs”.

I have become all too familiar with wolfhound health issues including heart disease, GDV, osteosarcoma, and spinal problems. You never stop learning about health issues. It really helps to talk to people when you have a problem. My wolfhounds are always heart tested. After over 30 years of sharing my life with wolfhounds, I am still in love with them. The utter devastation of losing a friend is more than compensated by the joy, and privilege, of living with them.

Anne Vaudin - Gloucester & "Three Counties"

My late husband and I first came under the spell of Irish wolfhounds in 1994. Our first three, McGinty, Clancy and Chewbacca, were 'just' family members, but in 2002 we started showing our dogs.

Moving from Guernsey to Gloucestershire in 2013 allowed us to become more involved in the breed as members of the Irish Wolfhound Club and Irish Wolfhound Society.

Over the years we worked through most of the common wolfhound health conditions – heart disease, bone cancer and bloat - and also mobility problems such as FCE, fractured femur, spinal degeneration, elbow dysplasia and more recently, cruciate ligament surgery. We also experienced some of the more unusual problems: epilepsy, laryngeal paralysis, chronic rhinitis, necrotic elbow bursas and lymphoma.

Now retired and living near Newent, I have the time and commitment to lend a hand to any wolfhound in trouble in the Three Counties area, and would be happy to help in any way I can.